Saturday, 21 April 2012

Gavin Blue


Gavin Blue is a successful commercial photographer based in Melbourne and has almost 20 years experience in the industry. He was an exceptionally enthusiastic guest speaker and certainly showed his wealth of experience through his professional presentation.

I had been made aware of Gavin 1 year ago whilst living in Brisbane, and became quite interested in him and his work. Just wasn't sure i'd ever meet the man.. until today that is :)


Some important points from today's presentation:

  • Allow yourself to be adaptable to a number of photography styles.
  • Speedlights are extremely practical and are what Gavin uses on 95% of his jobs.
  • Worked with Andrew Craig, Stuart Crossett and Rod Schaffer.
  • Keep photography interesting, don't contain yourself to the studio.
  • Stay organised - use a calendar and/or diary and keep it well maintained and updated.
  • PMA - look into it further.
  • Research light SPEED-LIGHT modifiers and other useful accessories.
  • Powerex batteries and charger - from PROTOG
  • Try to be as light-weight as possible with your camera equipment - it helps you in the long run in a number of ways.
  • Make yourself known - personally and electronically.
  • Give TIME-LAPSE photography a go.
  • Are you and your gear able to handle the elements/mother nature?
  • Are you handling, processing, naming, storing and backing-up your electronic files correctly and efficiently?

Valuable online resources/reference

Gavin is a very successful photographer, because he knows his client, how to market himself and then how to do his job in ways that gain him repeated work and some extra exposure to potential clients - just the kind of thing i aim for.

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